April 6, 2006

Girl Power

Posted in life or something like it. at 8:24 am by AltF

I am sorry if I offended anyone with my last article. Those were
definately not my intentions. I was just trying to put forward a
different point of view. I got a lot of mixed reactions, mainly
negative though, so I force myself to believe, maybe I just didn't
express myself too well.
So now that I'v talked about virginity, it goes hand in hand with my strong views on Feminism. So let me write a little something onthe tragedy of being a woman.
How well do you guys out there think you know women? And women/girls,how well do you think you know your sex mates (no pun intended) maybeI should stick to the people of the same sex? Well taking a feminist stance, I would like to show a little picture of a certainapproach towards the women folk, convientional approach from our malecounterparts. I repeat its a CERTAIN approach implying, not all menare like that.A girl who wears short skirts and bright lipsticks is a slut. Any girlwho talks to many guys is also one. A girl who likes to party and get drunk is on a mission to seduce guys. Any girl who has slept with her ex/present boyfriend is easy to get. Any girl who hasn't (and thanks tothe reaction to my last article, I can say this) is a loser, someonewho just didn't have the oppotunity, basically a loser,or maybe just twisted or an NRI! They however are a sepreate catogeryaltogether.
The first catergory, however are the sort of girls all guys dream about,
the girls they want, they use and forget about.In other words these are their ideal girlfriends. After a few yearshowever they would probably end up with the girl their mommy choses for them or a girl who they think is worthy of their respect. (These girls ofcourse aren't).Now I by now, I know, all of you hate me and completely disagreewith what
I have written. But if what I said is true in any way, I think we all know the reason behind the popularity of the phrase "All guys are Bastards."I am not saying that all guys think like that, but what I am saying that guys have a lot of preset notions about girls and sometimes can't gobeyond them. All human beings are essentially nice. All we have todo is look at people from a non-convientional point of view.

Selina Arora