April 15, 2006


Posted in rap n poesy. at 4:56 pm by AltF

So I wait in the darkness, and the rain.
And I've waited my whole lifetime.
I can't see a thing, and I couldn't care less
The king of make believe I am.

I walk the ice, the pretty red ice,
Like a zombie, a madman in daze.
On the lake that's frozen by my blood.
Winds of gloom surround my face.

I dont know what I'm doing here, or what I came for.
Its three twenty one AM.
I look behind, to find no footprints,
Heck, where did I come from ?

Devoid of emotions, all but hate
Stripped of all but pride
I wish it'd rain more and rain till it floods.
In that flood then I would hide.

Hide from what you ask, hide from you
for I'm scared to die, I wanna live
Live a life of misery and angst
Who the fuck wants to forget, forgive?

So won't you leave me here alone in the darkness?
Take away my pride, all the dignity thats burning inside?
Cant you see I'm standing, dishonored and naked?
I'll take all the crosses that you could provide!

So on I wait, at the fortress you call home.
I look at your window its, barred.
It's still Three Twenty one, the time stands still.
And I cant move on, I'm scarred.

Abhimanyu Shankdhar